
Recent Reads

I have read some terrific books lately but have been woefully neglectful about sharing them here. Bad, bad me. So, without further ado ...

Notes from the Underwire: Adventures from My Awkward and Lovely Life by Quinn Cummings. A new friend gave this to me for my birthday eons ago, and I finally had the chance to read it. What a precious, heartwrenching, funny, marvelous book. Really. Read it. You won't be sorry.

Original Sin by Allison Brennan. Excellent paranormal thriller, the first in the Seven Deadly Sins series. Makes you want to sleep with the lights on. I really like her main character, Moira O'Donnell - she's smart and sexy, but she's one of those atypical heroines that you just have to like because she's about the farthest from perfect you can get and knows it. The second in the series, Carnal Sin, was just released in June, and it's on my to be purchased list.

Twilight. I mentioned in last Thursday's post that I've read the first three in this series. I did enjoy them, although at one point I was starting to get really tired of hearing how much pain Bella was in and how gorgeous Edward is. Whine, whine, whine. Enough, already - get to the good stuff! But she did, and I enjoyed the read. Now I just have to see how it all ends, as soon as my daughter gets #4 back from her friend's stepmother.

I'm always looking for new books to read, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments.

Until later!

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